Web Application and Development

Web application development is one of the most sought-after field by the business world since it is applicable right from streamlining the business process to building communication. There is ever increasing demand for the custom-tailored web applications like CRM (Customer Relationship Management System for sales enhancement and revenue growth), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning for operations excellence) LMS (Learning Management System for Learning & Development for employees, students and teachers).

Apart from enterprise solutions, there are web applications for commercial purpose, e-commerce, games, education etc.

We develop cloud-based web applications which are secure over the internet. We use different technologies to develop web applications based on the application requirement and client preferences.

WordPressThis is the most cost effective Technology for developing a web application. This is a popular CMS used by more than 31% of the web applications across the globe.

The Mean StackThe MEAN stack has a powerful conglomerate of open-source JavaScript-based web development technologies which has made it one of the preferred technologies for the web development.

  • MongoDB : A cross-platform, document-oriented database program.
  • Express.js : A framework designed for building web applications and APIs.
  • AngularJS :  A front-end web application framework developed and maintained by Google.
  • Node.js : A server-side JavaScript run-time environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

PHP – This is one of the oldest and most popular technology used in the web application development.

LAMP StackThe LAMP stack stands for a combination of three open-source web development technologies 

Linux OS, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL

PythonOne of the trending web development technologies. It high power in scientific computing, machine learning, and data mining has made it popular among high-end web application development.

  • Django
  • Flask

Ruby and Ruby on RailsIt’s a dynamic, object-oriented programming language being used by Basecamp, Twitter and other notable websites.

React.js and Vue.jsSimplicity, flexibility, and versatility are three main aspects of using this technology for the web development.

NET and MS SQLUsed for building dynamic and modern websites. It allows developers to create simple and scalable websites